Terms of service

New products:

Gold is your best investment and it is money anywhere in the world, for this reason MARCORD guarantees the purchase of your jewel for a distinctive price. To preserve your jewelry, remember that you can access our free cleaning services at any time and in any of our MARCORD jewelry stores. In accordance with articles 3 and 7 of Law 1480 of 2011, a guarantee is established by the website and MARCORD that covers the purity of the metal for gold jewelry, referring to 18k for gold and a guarantee 3 months for factory defects. Gold and silver can lose their shine and/or original shape when in contact with the skin, hard elements or chemicals, so we recommend the following to preserve your jewelry: Clean it with a soft cloth before storing it, avoid wearing it while sleeping or when taking a bath, do not apply perfumes on metal or stones. This guarantee expires immediately if the jewel has been intervened by personnel other than MARCORD, nor is it valid in the event of:
1.Detachment of pearls or stones, as a result of blows or aggressive agents;
2. Changes or transformations of the piece by people other than MARCORD
3. Abuse
4. Scratches or deterioration of the original shape of the jewel due to improper use.
Write to us at (MARCORDCO@GMAIL.COM) if you have any questions.

It recommends the following recommendations regarding the product purchased:
Read the conditions of use and care established by the manufacturer or supplier of the jewelry to guarantee its conservation over time.
1) Please note that custom jewelry designs are subject to change.
2) Remember that on our page you will find the specific characteristics of the product, and information regarding our policies, terms and conditions.